What the best engineers do
the best engineers lift others up
The bad engineers make you feel small
- They use complicated words
They are easy to understand and so is their code
They can explain themselves in simple terms and are happy to answer questions
- They make sure people don't feel bad for asking (looks like stupid ) questions
you should always ask questions if you don’t understand even if it makes you feel dumb
- Truth is you’re getting smarter faster and most people don’t dare to do it
Conqueer your fears
You shouldn’t be afraid of learning new things
- If you're not scared every now and then you’re not learning
You should embrace and face the fear you feel when facing something hard and unknown
Worst engineers I know know one tech well and are scared to touch anything else
- Same, they only know one way to do things and are scared to try new ways
you should always be candid about your feeling And how things are going in your team and how you feel you’re doing, even if you feel you’re not doing well
you will never know everything so you should learn to research and solve problems and not specific solutions
you’ll never lose money by changing company
You have nothing to lose by applying to new jobs
You should always openly discuss your salary with your teammates
Learn to talk about money
- Recruiters will lie to you to get you in a company
- Every company hiring is "growing" and the "team is so good" and whatnot